ReCREA Project

Reuse of Contents geneRated by StudEnts for leArning

The ReCREA project ran from December 2021 to May 2024. It received funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities as a "proof of concept" project of the results obtained in the CPFG project. It belongs to the educational area and involves researchers from the universities of La Rioja (UR), Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Zaragoza (UZ). The research team is made up of nine researchers (six from the UR, two from the UPV/EHU and one from the UZ). In addition, a professional psychologist participates as an advisor in the work team, with the collaboration of a specialist in computer science.


The content generated by students during their learning process, not only helps them to learn while they are doing them, but can be useful for the learning of their peers. Peer learning combined with student contents is a field of research full of possibilities. Peer learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills through collaboration with peers, either within the same class group, from previous courses or even from other universities through telecollaboration. Some contents produced by students that can be used for peer learning are test questions, new statements of exercises with solutions, tutorials, selection of outstanding examples taken from memoirs of projects or assignments, lessons learned, etc. It is also possible to reuse content by creating templates of documents, in this case generated by teachers, which are progressively improved with the help of students and the continuous analysis of their use, correcting problems or misunderstandings.

KEYWORDS: Student generated contents, peer learning, inquiry based learning, scaffolding, reuse of contents, peer review, project based learning, analysis of educational processes 

Resulting products

In this project we have built an ICT tool for the lifecycle management of student-generated test questions. Using it during an academic year we have refined the collaboration model with the aim of achieving a sufficient set of quality questions for students to learn with.  This tool collects traces of student activity. These traces have been studied using PROM tools and some tendencies of students in performing these activities have been identified. These studies have been complemented with more familiar statistical tools.

A computer panel has also been developed to generate template clones for the users indicated. We have used it for the elaboration of plans and monitoring of academic projects. The shared documents are the property of the teacher, who can give feedback with the procedures available on the platform (in our case Drive). The tool allows to generate the copies, to modify the students' read-only access and to extract at any time a copy of the documents in PDF format.

An ICT tool for learning the SQL database programming language has also been published. This is an interesting tool for students, who can access a bank of questions that allow them to practice with the language and get feedback.

Free photo by Lisa Redfern from Pixabay